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Sang24 respects the privacy and privacy of customers and users and requires information to place an order or log in and login to provide the customer with the appropriate service, such as email address, contact number, delivery address And ... all customer privacy information requested and protected by this company.
All communications and communications with the Customer are made only through the information entered on the Site, which is the responsibility of the Customer for the accuracy of the Customer's information. If the above is not recorded correctly, Sang24 may request more detailed information to complete the customer request.
In some cases, Sang24 may use some of the information entered to send emails or texts for special discounts or troubleshooting users.
At Sang24 we make every effort to create a pleasant memory of an easy purchase for our customers.




Contact Us

Address of Company Sang24:

.Unit 15, Floor 2, No. 2, Tabari Allay, Banihashem st., Tehran, Iran

Tel :021-22524253

Email: info@sang24.com

whatsapp: +98-9332225979

Tel: 021-22524253
whatsapp: +98-9332225979
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