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Introduction Onyx Rock

Introduction Onyx Rock

Brand marble , and marble marmoros Enix is from the Greek word meaning bright.Marble is a limestone cliff face to be found in nature.

View Marble
Pure white marble. In general, the best stone quarries in Italy, ten Rustam Qorveh Bam and Iran's Sanandaj which color variation is also excelled.

The main ingredient
of this beautiful stone, aluminum and magnesium salts, calcium carbonate present in marble in the stone creates a variety of colors.

It should be noted that the marble is very high energy and can be used to treat kidney disease and liver stones, neurological diseases and mental stress and anxiety, stimulate the internal force can be used.

The most characteristic of this popular stone can be color, texture, strength, porosity, solubility, and power mentioned.

In decorated marble stone, mosques, statues, religious site, and holy is applicable.




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